Customer asked about wearing a Prayer covering to a church she was visiting

This is my reply:

Thank you for contacting me about Prayer coverings. 

Prayer covering are worn when praying, out in public and church. I would wear what you feel comfortable with. If you joined a church that wear coverings, I would suggest to follow suit. 
from Pa. and grew up here in Lancaster, County
Home to the oldest old order Amish. There are many different sects. and they do as the church they belong to say. With the many sects is also the variety of coverings. 

Now the Amish in Pa. only wear the Heart Shaped Kapps, all the time for the most part, when not wearing the Prayer Kapp they are wearing a scarf. There heads are always covered. The Mennonite wear round Kapp with white or black strings, again always have a head covering on, of some sort. a veil, bandana, or the white net Kapps. 

I sell them all for the Pa. women and always have them, just not always listed. As I am my only employee and have more Amish Mennonite items. 

Dresses, covering, outer bonnets, outer capes (shawls) Also have items for the whole family. I'm an amazed by the difference sizes and styles etc. 

The main reason for coverings is for Modesty. I sell these items to women around the world, even Japan. Because they want to be closest to the lord and honor their husband.

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